Apple's New EU App Store Linking Policy

Apple's rolling out changes to its App Store policies in the EU this fall, thanks to new rules from the European Commission. Here’s a quick rundown on what’s new with the StoreKit External Purchase Link Entitlement:

What’s Changing?

  1. Promote Anywhere: Developers can now promote offers for purchases outside the app. Whether it’s another app, a website, or an alternative marketplace, users can access these offers directly or through a web view in the app.
  2. In-App Promotions: You can talk about your offers directly within your app. This means sharing subscription prices or other deals available inside or outside the app, and giving clear instructions on how to subscribe elsewhere. Just make sure the info is accurate!
  3. Clickable Links: Developers can now include actionable links that users can tap, click, or scan, taking them straight to the purchase destination. Plus, you don’t have to list all your URLs in the app’s Info.plist anymore.
  4. More Flexibility with Links: Links with parameters, redirects, and intermediate landing pages are now allowed. This gives you more ways to direct users where you want them to go.
  5. Updated Terms: Apple’s tweaking the business terms for apps using these new external purchase links to match the new capabilities.

These updates make it easier for developers to communicate with users and offer more purchasing options, aligning with the new regulations. For details, check out Apple's official announcement.